London, Tate Gallery of Modern Art (Tate Modern), In the Studio 6 | Abstrakte Malerei | Constant (Constant Anton Nieuwenhuys)

Position London, Tate Gallery of Modern Art (Tate Modern)
Bedeutende Künstler der Epoche Abstrakte Malerei in London, Tate Gallery of Modern Art (Tate Modern), In the Studio 6 (1948–1953)
Nur hier
Nicolas de Staël
1914 Sankt Petersburg - 1955 Antibes
Nur hier
Pierre Soulages
1919 Rodez - 2022 Nîmes
Kunstwerke von Constant (Constant Anton Nieuwenhuys) (1949)
London, Tate Gallery of Modern Art (Tate Modern), In the Studio 6
London, Tate Gallery of Modern Art (Tate Modern), In the Studio 6, Bild 1/4
London, Tate Gallery of Modern Art (Tate Modern), In the Studio 6, Bild 1/4
London, Tate Gallery of Modern Art (Tate Modern), In the Studio 6, Bild 2/4
London, Tate Gallery of Modern Art (Tate Modern), In the Studio 6, Bild 3/4
London, Tate Gallery of Modern Art (Tate Modern), In the Studio 6, Bild 4/4

In Vorbereitung: Paris, Musée d’Orsay; Paris, Musée des Arts décoratifs; L'Aquila, Museo Nazionale d'Abruzzo; Ascoli Piceno, Pinacoteca civica
