Engel in Rot mit Laute

Engel in Rot mit Laute
Ambrogio de Predis (1497–1502), Engel in Rot mit Laute, London, National Gallery, Saal 66, um 1495–1499, Bild 1/2
Ambrogio de Predis (1497–1502), Engel in Rot mit Laute, London, National Gallery, Saal 66, um 1495–1499, Bild 1/2
Ambrogio de Predis (1497–1502), Engel in Rot mit Laute, London, National Gallery, Saal 66, um 1495–1499, Bild 2/2

An Angel in Red with a Lute

In the 1483 contract for the altarpiece to which this painting and An Angel in Green with a Vielle belonged (and whose centre panel was The Virgin of the Rocks), Leonardo agreed to work with the local Milanese artists Ambrogio and Evangelista de Predis. Comparison with other known works by Ambrogio suggest that this angel was painted by him.

London, National Gallery, Saal 66
London, National Gallery, Saal 66, Bild 1/2
London, National Gallery, Saal 66, Bild 1/2
London, National Gallery, Saal 66, Bild 2/2

In Vorbereitung: Paris, Musée d’Orsay; Paris, Musée des Arts décoratifs; L'Aquila, Museo Nazionale d'Abruzzo; Ascoli Piceno, Pinacoteca civica
