New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met) | Impressionismus | Maurice Utrillo

Position New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met)
Bedeutende Künstler der Epoche Impressionismus in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met) (1854–1948)
Nur hier
Berthe Morisot
1841 Bourges - 1895 Paris
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Camille Pissarro
1830 Charlotte Amalie, Jungferninseln - 1903 Paris
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Cecilia Beaux
1855 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - 1942 Gloucester, Massachusetts
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Childe Hassam
1859 Dorchester, Massachusetts - 1935 East Hampton, New York)
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Edmund Charles Tarbell
1862 Groton, Massachusetts - 1938 New Castle, New Hampshire
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Frédéric Bazille (Jean-Frédéric Bazille)
1841 Montpellier - 1870 Beaune-la-Rolande
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George Benjamin Luks
1867 Williamsport, Pennsylvania - 1933 New York
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Gustave Caillebotte
1848 Paris - 1894 Gennevilliers
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Guy Pène du Bois
1884 New York - 1958 Boston
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Maurice Utrillo
1883 Paris - 1955 Dax
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Paul Cézanne
1839 Aix-en-Provence - 1906 Aix-en-Provence
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Robert Reid
1862 Stockbridge, Massachusetts - 1929 Clifton Springs, New York
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Stacy Tolman
1860 Concord, Massachusetts - 1935 Pawtucket, Rhode Island
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Thomas Pollock Anshutz
1851 Newport (Kentucky) - 1912 Philadelphia
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Thomas Wilmer Dewing
1851 Boston, Massachusetts - 1938 New York
Nur hier
William Merritt Chase
1849 Williamsburg - 1916 New York
Kunstwerke von Maurice Utrillo (1913)
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Saal 955
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Saal 955, Bild 1/4
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Saal 955, Bild 1/4
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Saal 955, Bild 2/4
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Saal 955, Bild 3/4
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Saal 955, Bild 4/4

In Vorbereitung: Paris, Musée d’Orsay; Paris, Musée des Arts décoratifs; L'Aquila, Museo Nazionale d'Abruzzo; Ascoli Piceno, Pinacoteca civica
