New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met) | Abstraker Expressionismus | Clyfford Still

Position New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met)
Nur hier
Al Held
1928 New York - 2005 Camerata bei Todi
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Cy Twombly
1928 Lexington, Virginia - 2011 Rom
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David Smith
1906 Decatur, Indiana - 1965 Bennington, Vermont
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Jackson Pollock
1912 Cody, Wyoming - 1956 Springs-East Hampton
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Louise Nevelson
1899 Perejaslaw, Ukraine - 1988 New York
Kunstwerke von Clyfford Still (1946–1960)
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met)
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Bild 1/8
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Bild 1/8
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Bild 2/8
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Bild 3/8
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Bild 4/8
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Bild 5/8
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Bild 6/8
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Bild 7/8
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Bild 8/8

In Vorbereitung: Paris, Musée d’Orsay; Paris, Musée des Arts décoratifs; L'Aquila, Museo Nazionale d'Abruzzo; Ascoli Piceno, Pinacoteca civica
