New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met) | Abstraker Expressionismus | David Smith

Position New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met)
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Al Held
1928 New York - 2005 Camerata bei Todi
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Cy Twombly
1928 Lexington, Virginia - 2011 Rom
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David Smith
1906 Decatur, Indiana - 1965 Bennington, Vermont
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Jackson Pollock
1912 Cody, Wyoming - 1956 Springs-East Hampton
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Louise Nevelson
1899 Perejaslaw, Ukraine - 1988 New York
Kunstwerke von David Smith (1952)
David Smith (1945–1963), Tanktotem II, New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Saal 919, 1952–1953
Bronze und Stahl
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Saal 919
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Saal 919, Bild 1/5
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Saal 919, Bild 1/5
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Saal 919, Bild 2/5
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Saal 919, Bild 3/5
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Saal 919, Bild 4/5
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Saal 919, Bild 5/5

In Vorbereitung: Paris, Musée d’Orsay; Paris, Musée des Arts décoratifs; L'Aquila, Museo Nazionale d'Abruzzo; Ascoli Piceno, Pinacoteca civica
