London, Tate Gallery of Modern Art (Tate Modern) | Konzeptkunst | Jenny Holzer

Position London, Tate Gallery of Modern Art (Tate Modern)
Nur hier
Hélio Oiticica
1937 Rio de Janeiro - 1980 Rio de Janeiro
Nur hier
Jenny Holzer
*1950 Gallipolis, Ohio
Nur hier
Lygia Clark
1920 Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais - 1988 Rio de Janeiro
Nur hier
Piero Manzoni
1933 Soncino - 1963 Mailand
Kunstwerke von Jenny Holzer (2007)
London, Tate Gallery of Modern Art (Tate Modern), Artist and Society 8
London, Tate Gallery of Modern Art (Tate Modern), Artist and Society 8, Bild 1/5
London, Tate Gallery of Modern Art (Tate Modern), Artist and Society 8, Bild 1/5
London, Tate Gallery of Modern Art (Tate Modern), Artist and Society 8, Bild 2/5
London, Tate Gallery of Modern Art (Tate Modern), Artist and Society 8, Bild 3/5
London, Tate Gallery of Modern Art (Tate Modern), Artist and Society 8, Bild 4/5
London, Tate Gallery of Modern Art (Tate Modern), Artist and Society 8, Bild 5/5

In Vorbereitung: Paris, Musée d’Orsay; Paris, Musée des Arts décoratifs; L'Aquila, Museo Nazionale d'Abruzzo; Ascoli Piceno, Pinacoteca civica
