London, National Gallery, Saal 62 | Jan Baegert

Position London, National Gallery
Künstler in London, National Gallery, Saal 62
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Jan Baegert
um 1465 Wesel - nach 1527 Wesel
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Meister des Bartholomäusaltars (Werkstatt)
tätig um 1470 - 1510
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Meister des Marienlebens (Werkstatt)
tätig 1460 - 1490
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Meister von Liesborn
tätig 1460 - 1490
Kunstwerke von Jan Baegert (1520)


Cologne was one of the most prosperous cities in fifteenth century Germany. Its numerous churches were filled with paintings produced by its large population of painters. Some of these came from other towns to work in Cologne: Stephan Lochner, whose name is associated with a charming and technically accomplished style, was originally from Southern Germany. The witty painter, the Master of the Saint Bartholomew altarpiece, a native of the Northern Netherlands, produced a number of works for the Carthusian monastery in Cologne.

East of Cologne in Westphalia, the painter identified only as the Master of Liesborn established a large workshop in the latter part of the fifteenth century, supplying altarpieces to the numerous ecclesiastical foundations near Münster, many of which were being reformed. They included the Benedictine Abbey of Liesborn. The Master of Liesborn began a large winged altarpiece for the high altar, but it was completed by another painter, Jan Baegart.

London, National Gallery, Saal 62
London, National Gallery, Saal 62, Bild 1/3
London, National Gallery, Saal 62, Bild 1/3
London, National Gallery, Saal 62, Bild 2/3
London, National Gallery, Saal 62, Bild 3/3

In Vorbereitung: Paris, Musée d’Orsay; Paris, Musée des Arts décoratifs; L'Aquila, Museo Nazionale d'Abruzzo; Ascoli Piceno, Pinacoteca civica
